Sunday 8 December 2013

Merry Blog-mas !

The Christmas season has descended upon us with an array of twinkly coloured lights, gold tinsel and chirpy carols. And I couldn't be happier!
My Christmas tree popped up on the 28th of November. I've got the Michael Buble Christmas album on repeat and a stash of snickerdoodles at the ready.
If you're one of those people who hate Christmas then I apologise but this post is basically me obsessing about it like a child. Which, essentially, I am.
I open my advent calendar daily and wrote my 'letter to Santa' way back in mid-November. However; the one thing I haven't started to do yet is Christmas shopping.
.... I lie. Actually ....I did go shopping. Which was in December. So it's technically Christmas shopping, I just didn't buy presents for anyone.
I bought food. Lots of food. But don't judge me it's Christmas and the continental market in Belfast was too alluring. The smells of creamy chocolates, crispy churros and delightful dutch pancakes (Wow- my mouth's watering already), drew me in like a siren's song.
The twinkly lights draped from the domed ceiling in Victoria Square are so beautiful and romantic that you seem to forget where you are for a moment, along with the seven hundred odd Christmas trees that line the glass bridges and footpaths which lead up to the famous domed glass ceiling.
So; I got waylaid. (Also due to the models in Hollister.)
But my main point - Christmas is magical. So stop being a Grinch and get into the Christmas spirit!

Thank you for reading this post my dears.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I'll keep the Christmas posts coming along with some others for the Grinch's amongst us.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Happy Birthday Doctor Who.

Let's get delirious for the 'Day of the Doctor.'
For any living, breathing human out there who didn't watch the 'Day of the Doctor' last night. Please seek help.
It was amazing for two reasons - Matt Smith and David Tennant. Together. (mind blown). I think I've already established that I am a nerd. And herein lies further proof. My house went into lockdown last night at the beginning of Doctor Who and I retired to my lounge in solitary confinement so as to concentrate on the amazingness of all three doctors. I am in awe of Matt Smith's daper style, which brings the Doctor forward into the 21st century.
However; the show did make me realise, that I don't want Matt to retire in his adventures as the doctor. His journeys as the eleventh incarnation of the timelord are almost at an end. For me it is all to abrupt as I am still brooding over the departure of David Tennant, who is equally as dashing and eccentric. We can only live in hope that the next Doctor can live up to his predecessors, as he has a big dickey-bow shaped space to fill, once Matt departs.

Until next time. #nerdsunite.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Throwback Thursdays

Hey Guys.
Ok. So it's time for another blog post. I couldn't resist the temptation of writing another blog post about the 'good old days'. This may become a weekly thing- or a 'whenever I get the time to do this' thing- but let's go with it.
If you haven't already guessed from my twitter account (T_withthehatter) that I am a Disney loon, then you're about to be clued in.
On Tuesday at school I received the most wonderful present ever - A SIMBA TOY, from the Disney Store in Dublin. How fantastic is that.?(Thank you to my beautiful, wonderful friend)
Although, I think I had a little too much fun with the toy and ended up sending ludicrous snapchats of me holding Simba at arms length above my head, re-enacting the circle of life scene. (We're all Children at heart - DON'T JUDGE ME.)
So it seems appropriate that I write a blog post on the 'Lion King films'. I recently watched all three and my love for them has been renewed. The songs are a piece of musical genius that makes you want to sing and dance along with the characters. The comedy is gold. And we all have a laugh when our friends try to sing along to the African parts and it sounds like... ASHBEIGNYAWAHHH.
Normally sequels or prequels are never as good as the original movie - but not in  this case- all three movies are equally hilarious and heart-warmingly funny.
It's just a cute wee film that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy particularly when your home sick from school. So if any of my fellow people out there are feeling down - don't head for the Covonia bottle, instead, stick on a Disney movie, because after all adults (and teenagers) are just kids grown up.

Please leave your comments below. I would love to hear your responses or requests for the next throwback Thursday.




Friday 15 November 2013

Sweater weather is better weather.

It's officially that time of year again. I know this simply because I have stepped outside my house several times this week. Jack Frost has waged war upon the country. And we have been reduced to wearing several layers under our school uniforms, just so that we may get through the day. (Thanks for turning on the heating school! - feelin' the love) So I just thought I'd write a wee post about how much I am loving cardigans, jumpers and fluffy slipper socks (especially reindeer ones.) My wardrobe after this season will largely consist of woollen jumpers.
I'm also partial to the wellington boot paired with the fluffy wellie socks which keep your tootsies nice and cosy. After all, wellie socks are to wellies what peanut butter is to jelly.
But as I stand out in the cold trembling one thing is at the forefront of my mind. Christmas is lurking above us; and with the seasonal holiday hurtling towards us at concord speed I suggest we take to the streets in our bulky jumpers and start raiding the shelves of all things remotely cinnamon scented or tinsel decorated. I don't know about you guys but I'm asking dear old father Claus for some more wooly jumpers and ear muffs.
Adios for now . Keep safe and warm during this Winter-ful season and thank you for reading this non-sense post.
"sweater weather is better weather" quote ~ Gingerly Pale blog. (check it out)

Thursday 7 November 2013

Lets get crazy for 'Catching Fire'.

Dear 'Hunger Games' fans
The day and hour is almost upon us.
The second movie in the 'Hunger Games' trilogy is due to be released on the 22nd of November. The movie has been anticipated for months by every man, woman and fellow nerd (yes, I include myself in that category.)
If you haven't read the books then I pity you. You have been deprived of a superb piece of literature.
However, if you are simply not a book person I would still advise that you go see the movies, as they are thrilling and unique to any other movie that I have ever seen before. If (like me) you are an A-level RE student then you'll recognise the strong connections with the Roman Empire. (told you I was a nerd)
Jennifer Lawrence is also an amazing addition to the series as she just rocks! (You go girl!) Flanked by her handsome co-stars (who could forget about them?). Who wouldn't want to go see this film? Come on ladies ... and lads (if ya like) lets get sporting the Katniss braids and break out the bow and arrow.   

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Salutations to the blogging world.

Greetings fellow man.
This is my first blog, (pauses for sighs of exasperation)
I know; I'm a blog virgin. Shocking isn't it?
This is just a brief post to welcome you all to my blogging world, or as it is otherwise known 'Tea with the Hatter'. You may be wondering as to the title; it is not a blog about tea, nor is it reference to Alice in Wonderland. I wanted to choose a title that would reflect the topics of discussion on my blog. The final result; 'Tea with the Hatter', is as it suggests. Pure randomness. My blog will not be focused on one major theme, nor will it follow the pattern of a typical teenage girl (make-up, clothes and more clothes) because believe it or not, as much as I love those things, there are more exciting topics of discussion out there which bear much more weight rather than "what should I wear tomorrow?" or "I really love your make-up today". I flow against the current because I have become rather opinionated recently (I blame my friends). And feel that its the right time for me to join the blogging sensation. So thank you my dears for taking time out of your busy lives to bother reading this nonsense blog. It is muchly appreciated and I hope that you'll by inspired to read more of my further posts as I continue in my journey through the vastness of the inter-web. I hope to be back with a post very soon as I anticipate the release of several spectacular movies. Adieu.